












16th Annual Conference of the World Chinese Urological Society: Reunion and Sharing Leading Advances in Global Chinese Urology


The 16th Annual Conference of the World Chinese Urological Society (WCUS) is scheduled for Friday, May 3rd, 2024, in San Antonio, TX, USA. Esteemed urologists, andrologists, and urology/andrology researchers worldwide will convene to explore cutting-edge developments and celebrate the remarkable accomplishments of Chinese experts in the field.


Crafted by the WCUS Academic Committee, the conference agenda encompasses diverse urological topics with a special emphasis on the latest breakthroughs in Chinese urology. Speakers and moderators, meticulously chosen by regional WCUS associations, ensure presentations of the highest caliber, fostering dynamic discourse and insight for all participants.


The 16th WCUS Annual Conference promises a comprehensive exploration of urology, urologic oncology, and andrology. Each session allows ample time for interactive discussion, encouraging attendee engagement and facilitating academic dialogue and collaboration.


Additionally, the WCUS Annual Conference will bestow the prestigious WCUS Achievement Award and the WCUS Rising Star Award. These honors recognize exceptional contributions to urology by seasoned professionals and promising young talents alike. By establishing these accolades, WCUS aims to inspire and incentivize continued excellence in the field, propelling its advancement and innovation.


The 16th Annual Conference of the World Chinese Urological Society underscores the Chinese urology community's dedication to scholarly exchange and cooperation. Through this landmark gathering, participants will share groundbreaking medical insights, deepen collaborative networks, and foster advancements in urology worldwide. It is our fervent belief that this conference will infuse fresh vitality and momentum into the global Chinese urology arena.

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